Monday, June 29, 2009

Taking Time to Say Thank You

many of us have had the chance to sincerely express our gratitude to the caring, amazing people we know?

We should be able thank everyone we can, everyone who deserves an acknowledgment for their good thoughts and deeds!

Portions of this blog shall be devoted to everyone who would like to thank their loved ones or share inspiring stories with us.

These tribute portions are to be included so we can write to all our family members, friends, other relatives and even acquaintances that have given us unconditional love, or have shown us random acts of kindness. We want thousands of people to know right now that we appreciate people who have selflessly provided us with valuable legacies.

To thank someone, compose a letter, dedicate poetry, share insights on goodwill, upload photos of our ideal people and your loved ones.

This is a campaign to extend goodwill to everyone. Let yourself be heard! We all have it in us to INSPIRE GREATER LOVE.

Creating Legacies

Many of us envision "leaving something behind
" when we are gone for the people we love, be it our family, community or country. And we hope we are given the opportunity to achieve this within our lifetimes.

Having a legacy, or legacies, becomes noble when our purpose for giving eventually goes beyond our own interests. The act of sharing the gift is neither for nor about us anymore.

A legacy may become extraordinary when it cannot be held, its value cannot be quantified by one; yet, it is a treasure many can truly behold and benefit from!

Countless "ordinary" individuals fill our world with goodwill to ease our daily struggles, to simply promote health, to prepare the young for responsible adulthood, to challenge injustices, and to sometimes even save us from our oft misguided selves. Without fame, power or money, perhaps even without realizing all the positive effects of their actions, they have already left valuable legacies to us.

How do we learn about the efforts of many individuals whom we have never heard of or met before (and are probably unlikely to meet in the future)?

To immortalize the extraordinary legacies of noble individuals is the primary objective of this blog.

Together, we shall chronicle how our ideal people enrich lives with hope and faith, by focusing on their goals and standing up for what is right, through valuable lessons they have learned, by their being compassionate, by their understanding of the truth.

Our everyday heroes have dedicated a great part of their lives to
  • sharing their skills, talents and time
  • active, ideal advocacies
  • deepening their spirituality and those of others
  • building the kindest memories with and for their loved ones
  • uplifting us with their humor and intellect
  • feeding and enriching many minds and bodies through their generosity
  • serving and supporting others effortlessly.
This blog shall be a record of "ordinary" peoples' achievements, great and small, that have touched many lives. That will touch our hearts.